G is for getting to the money and the best way to get to the money is by saving it! I know that what everyone says. But there are so many ways to save more than over. Check out these 10 for starters.

It's HARD or THINGS HAPPEN; the universe says Of course!

SO we can not prevent struggles and challenges in our life. These ways of savings help when things become tight, and if you choose multiple at one season of your life. because don't have to extreme save all the time. You can take "BABY STEPS" but start.


10 ways to SAVE $$$$

  1. STOP COMPLAING - Like I stated before you can not stop problems from arising however you can change your thoughts about them and have better S.E.X. with your money.(PERIOD)
  2. Read - Education is the key to you understanding compound intrest, stocks, bonds, cryptocurrenices, forien exchange rates, and so on.
  3. Discipline - I don't care for her as much as the next depressed/unhealthy person but thats how we GROW! And STRATEGY aka DOING!
  4. Start Small - BABY STEPS. At least 50 or 100 dollars. or just $10 a week. Just start somewhere and make adjustments later. It's just a savings account; the money will not go any where as all as YOU don't touch it. EGYPT wasn't build yesterday or in a day!
  5. AUTO Payments- When you set up Derict depoist have the money so to another account. againg it can be as low as 10 dollars. Per check. Don't even worry because you can go back to #1 and stop complaining, change your thoughts and know that this strategy can benefit me in the future and can read about how to pass the time. BOOMMMMMM
  6. Open Multiple Accounts- THERE IS NO CRIME IN HAVING TOO MANY ACCOUNTS! Plus the more spread out it is and doing work in these accounts how could you fix your mouth to say you are broke. Shame.
  7. Don't touch the side hustle money- for a good 30 days or 60, however I am a strong believer in baby steps when necessary.
  8. Pay it forward- Pay your bills ahead of time becuase it helps with interest and when times are tight you can sit back and relax a little. Because you are inbetween blessings.
  9. ***Forex/Crypto curriencies trading - Forex trading is not a spam because they are taxing the money people are receiving out here. But it not for the weak you have to hold and not fold when your jut is right.
  10. *** Start a Holding company- yes start a family business pass it down to your children and theirs to beyond what you could ever image for your life. CUM GET YOUR LIFE; and become wealthy. Please Have The Cake And Eat IT TOO! Now every State is different and some states don't allow holding comanies, or the holdings company can only be used for limited things.

***INVESTMENTS- please read and do your homework on these ways of putting money away.***


IRA's Are Individual Retirment Arrangements that are started mostly a job and is continued on your own terms. But this is also a option for saving and not thinking about it. The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) States “IRAs allow you to make tax-deferred investments to provide financial security when you retire.